Directorate of Archaeological Museums, Exhibitions and Educational Programmes
The Directorate of Archaeological Museums, Exhibitions and Educational Programmes, as a single Directorate now that consists of five departments –based on the current Organizational Chart of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports– supports, coordinates and promotes, with the breadth and diversity of its actions, the Archaeological Museums of the country, pursues the valorization and utilization of their collections to the fullest extent, ensures and properly organizes archaeological storage facilities, advances scholarly research and outreach by planning a large number of archaeological exhibitions in Greece and abroad, and finally designs and implements innovative educational actions fostering expanded collaborations.
Directorate of Archaeological Museums, Exhibitions and Educational Programmes
teme.dmeep@culture.grAddress: 5 Themistokleous str., 106 77 Athens, Greece
Telephone: 210 3321 707, 210 3321 735, 210 3321 747