
Unmute for better experience

Τhe exhibition "Proving History" was implemented by the Directorate of Archaeological Museums, Exhibitions and Educational Programs following the concept of synergies and interconnectivity between Museums, in order to introduce the visitor of nine collaborating Museums of the Ministry of Culture and Sports to the atmosphere of historical events and the virtual visitor into an enriched digital experience.

The digital transcription of the exhibition constitutes a new action of the Directorate of Archaeological Museums, Exhibitions and Educational Programs in the field of museum education and unrestricted access to the national cultural heritage.

The main concept of the exhibition is the presentation of the historic narrative based on the study of the sources, i.e. texts and inscriptions, on the excavations and the movable finds that these brought to light.

By combining these pieces of evidence, even little fragments of them at first glance, we can restitute the events, trace the atmosphere of that era and reshape the total picture of the conflict of the two worlds, East and West, which determined the course of History.


Choose a chapter of the Exhibition


Choose a chapter to see the battles and the timeline of Persian Wars


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